If you have ever done business on eBay you’ll understand the importance of the eBay feedback system.
It is also a fact that the feedback system is not totally reliable as some people can arrange with others to exchange feedbacks which help them appear like trusted individuals to intending buyers.
There is so much fraud on eBay ranging from item not received, to non-payment for items won and sometimes items paid for isn’t exactly what it was said to be. This brings to fore the reason why the feedback system should be strengthened.
Power sellers for example are almost always trustworthy and can help one reduce the chance of getting scammed.
EBay a PayPal company accepts PayPal as the preferred payment option and thus one can ask for a chargeback where transactions failed or one is not satisfied with the product offered. But the process of getting back this money is sometimes over bearing that it’s better not to get into it all.
Therefore the feedback system still remains the most reliable way of predicting a transaction that will likely failed. So the plan to ban members from leaving negative feedbacks from May 2008 may not go down well with buyers.
Sellers will certainly embrace this new policy if it comes to pass. But buyers will have to take so much risk as sellers can now do anything knowing they will not be left negative feedbacks.
This decision should be properly considered before implementation to avoid a total buyer boycott of eBay services.