As a matter of fact, Outsourcing is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
When i started, i didn't even look at it as out sourcing. I was forced into it when i realised that with every new code i learn, there was always another one i must learn. I then noticed what the indians were doing. Unlike Nigerians a programmer concentrates on programming, a designer concentrates on designing. So that an Indian who is a programmer will always reject a graphic design job. That made it easier for them. But it dosen't work that way in Nigeria because our people regard you are an amature is the web job you just finished dosen't look beatiful with graphics and flash animations all over so much that it takes forever to load.
An example is Ruggedman online . I know it's supposed to be a multimedia site but loading time should be taken into consideration. However, you can not blame the designer. He had to do that else he'll lose the job to someone else who was ready to give it all the aesthetics. Whereas functionality not look should be paramount. This left me with another problem. which means apart from learning all the coding languages, i have to learn photoshop, Macromedia flash and maybe master CCS. I immediately knew it was time to stop trying to be everything.
However, in this little time i have made a lot of friends who are also designers and people also know me as a designer. So what I do is get the job and hand it over.
This way I can handle many jobs at the same time. At the end of the day everyone is happy. The secret is, try not to be selfish . You need to maintain a good relationship with your coders. I am now thinking of registering my company properly and then going into this full time.
But remember, you must have a good knowledge of web design so that when you are talking to your clients and potential clients, you should appear to know what you are talking about. Also it helps you paint a proper picture of what the job should be to your coders.
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